Yesterday Addie brought home a paper saying that she was a winner of one of the Highlands Hooray Awards, to be given out this afternoon (talk about nice warning for parents, right?!)
All she knew was that they give one award per class based on the four values of Highlands (courteous, cooperative, responsible, respectful) and then one ultimate winner of the Wildcat award, who demonstrates all of the characteristics.
The assembly was for the kindergarten, first and second grades at the same time.
The awards were given out for Responsible, Courteous and Cooperative, so I knew that Addie was either up for Respectful or the Wild Cat. I knew it was between Addie and her best friend Reagan.
The smile didn't leave her face. Tonight at the PTA meeting her teacher even came up to us to say that her smile was so incredible while she was being acknowledged.

Then it turns out that they give Perfect Attendance awards for each marking period too and Addie hadn't missed a day! So she got to go up again and get another certificate.
Overall, very proud of her and am glad to have a child who is respectful.
HOORAY, Addie!! VERY impressive!
Love, LouLou & Bub
She looks so proud in the final picture! As she should. I recall that, when Ferris Bueller's Day Off came out, none of us had _ever_ had a perfect attendance record.
Uncle Teb
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