Sunday, January 9, 2011

2nd time ice skating

Today Addie and Ben took Aunt Wendy ice skating for her birthday. Last Sunday was Addie and Ben's first time skating. I have a video compilation that's been trying to load all week, but it's apparently too big. So, just imagine last week as much more full of falls and fewer independent glides.
Ben does really well. If he falls, he gets right back up and doesn't even flinch. His goal is "to go fast and to beat people" meaning, skate faster than them. I can't begin to tell you how many shots of him I have "overtaking" the man on the right. He's a hoot.
The big purple dude is named Reggy and he's the mascot of something local. The big blue bird is the University of Delaware's mascot, YouDee. We were at the UD skating rink. Enjoy.
Happy birthday, Aunt Wendy!


Aunt Wendy said...

Awesome footage! Love the soundtrack! Thanks for editing out my spills on the ice :) It was an awesome day!

Anonymous said...

Maybe when I come down in February we could go ice skating? I haven't been in years, and it looks like the kids were really enjoying it! I was very impressed with Ben's drive to succeed.