Some of the fun of our Easter festivities
Addie and Ben received bigger bikes from the Easter Bunny. You may remember that last Easter they got their first bikes, and now it is already time for them to move to considerably larger bicycles. Hopefully these will last a few years and next Easter the bunny won't be putting bikes out!

Aunt Kim and Tom gave them each a huge chocolate bunny. Here's Ben posing with his. And yes, he's still wearing the same shirt from the day before.

Addie working on her puzzles right away. This child can put together a serious puzzle in no time flat.

After changing into her Easter dress, Addie and Aunt Amanda had to dance their heart out in the backyard.

And then the Easter Bunny showed up and led everyone around the front of the house to search for goodies. The Easter Bunny got everyone to line up and do the bunny hop around our property. It was quite a sight to see. That's Ben, Addie, Aunt Kim, Brian, LouLou, Bub, Aunt Wendy, Guppy, Richard, Tom and PopPop, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jeremy (kind of blocked by the bunny).

Addie excited to show her "The Princess and the Frog" dvd. Yes, Muddy made her dress. She also made Rosetta Pickle the exact duplicate.

Claire came down for her first meeting with the Easter Bunny. She managed to sleep through the whole thing.

Look closely at Addie and Ben's hands, you'll see these stretched rubber band propelled helicopter thingies. Notice how Addie and Uncle Jeremy are both pointing up, while Ben is looking up--yeah, that's because one was stuck on the roof. Within an hour, I bet they had those things stuck ten times places. Currently there's only one still stuck, at quite possibly the highest pine tree branch on our property, like at the tippy top. Addie shot that one off and is so proud of herself for how high it went.
Overall we had a lovely Easter holiday, filled with family and fun. The weather was picture perfect and we spent most of the days outdoors. It was really nice to have LouLou and Bub down for a visit. We had a great time.
I wanna come live with you.
Great pics, Cory!! Looks like soo much fun!
What a celebration! Looks like you had a blast.
I just LOVE Addie's new hair! And she's precious in her Easter dress!
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