Look at that form, casually resting arms--- and is that a SMILE?

Mr. Cool in the dental chair.
Addie and Ben had dental appointments this week. This was Ben's first time. He did superbly well; which I totally expected, because he's such a laid back child. He goes with the flow, is brave and can manage his emotions/fears. Part of the reason for his success, my guess is at least, is because he really is a fearless child. He falls off of something/crashes into something/hits his head on something and his response almost immediately is "I'm
ok." So I fully expected him to be a solid patient. He chose mint as his tooth paste flavor.
Now Addie, on the other hand, has anxiety about procedures of any sort. She flips out at vaccines, can't watch any depiction of needles of any sort, etc. The dentist doesn't involve needles, but in her mind there was something scary. In fact, when she was at our old dentist, she didn't even let them clean her teeth all of the way, because the "tooth counter" looked sharp, even after she felt it was a dull edge. Anyway, she worked really hard on being brave and combating her fears. Luckily Benjamin got to go first, so I held Addie on my hip while Ben opened wide, etc. Her eyes filled with nervous tears, but she was trying to hold it together. Then she started saying, "I'm a little bit nervous." Her
hygienist came in and said she was ready for her. Addie took the dental chair bravely and did so well! Carina, the hygienist, was awesome with her. In typical Addie fashion, she had to stop every few seconds to speak, and Carina went with the flow. Addie chose cookie dough as her tooth paste flavor. She did super through the whole thing. She got to hold the suction thing in between uses, which she really enjoyed too.
Addie's most exciting news is that Carina told her her two bottom front teeth are starting to get wiggly!! Addie, after hearing that news, is ready to hook a string around her teeth and pull them out now...they're not quite that ready yet. But seriously, how is it possible that my little baby is old enough to have her teeth start falling out???? Amazing.