Why not add insult to injury and have Mother Nature gives us 2 feet more snow on top of the almost 30 inches we got, oh, four days ago?

This snow is thick, wet, packing snow, unlike this weekend's. Addie and Ben each started with a little snowball and kept rolling, rolling, rolling.

They chose to play on the swing set today. Here's Addie swinging on her belly. Notice how her belly is basically touching the snow? Yeah, that's cause we have nearly 3 feet of snow there.
There has been one casualty of this storm...the big tree in our backyard which protects us from the building behind us has had several branches break under the weight of the snow and the blizzard winds. I'm kind of worried about how it'll look once the snow is all gone. Luckily it's far enough from our house that it's not a threat to the house, but our poor shed (aka the holder of Nourie World) may not make it out ok.
I'm sure there'll be more to share later on.
Anytime the snow wants to stop, we're ok with that. Unfortunately, the blizzard warning is through midnight and it's only 4:15pm.
I LOVE those hats!!!!
Looks pretty but I'll keep my Cali weather. We went for a walk in short sleeves today.
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