Monday, December 7, 2009


You probably want to grab the tissues for this one:
Tonight while eating dinner, Addie and Ben were being all lovey, holding hands, etc. Addie announced to us the when she gets older she's going to marry Ben. Brian explained that people who are related can't get married. He explained that we weren't related before marriage and that's what will happen with her. I chimed in that I couldn't marry Uncle Jeremy, or Uncle Teb, but that I grew up to be good friends with them and that's what will happen to her and Benjamin. As we're talking, we watched her face slowly morph into extreme sadness and eventually full-blown tears. She was devastated that she can't marry Ben. It was so sweet and sad at the same time. Brian and I were seriously wiping away tears off of our daughter's cheeks, all the while reassuring her that she and Ben will be best friends, and they'll be able to live near each other, etc. I even tried the "you know how good friends Mommy and Aunt Gail and Mommy and Aunt Amanda are" route, trying to assure her that she will be friends with whoever Benjamin marries.
By this point Addie was clutching to Brian, sobbing into his shirt. Ben stood up, walked over Addie's back and threw his arms around her and didn't let go.
It was such a precious moment.

1 comment:

Miss Nay said...

Absolutely sweet... MMMM... Thanks for sharing. Hugs to Addie Girl!