Wednesday, August 19, 2009

OMG a whole week overdue!

Shame on me and my blogging. Why didn't anyone send the search crews out for me? 
No pictures to share actually. We've been enjoying warm summer weather at night with long walks, and on the weekend with water sliding.
Benjamin continues to do so well with potty training. The past two days have been 100% accident-free!! He even told Muddy today, "Remember when I was a little boy and I pooped in my underwear? I didn't like that." Yes, yes, yes Ben we remember when you were a little boy.
Ben got his first bloody nose last night, at the foot of his sister. They were playing around, pushing each other, the usual stuff when Addie would give up and Ben would just bull ram her.  Brian told Addie to get him back, so they started scuffling.  Ultimately Addie decided she was done and sat back on the couch.  Ben charged her and his nose promptly met her foot. His little nose bled immediately.  Addie felt so horribly about what she had done. In the end, the blood stopped flowing and all was right with the world.
Ben had some weird rash going on late last week, which prompted a visit to the pediatrician. By Sunday we ended up there again, with the diagnosis of a staph rash. It sounds really bad, right? Staph?! But I assure you that everyone has staph living on their skin at all times.  Ben's just flared up and made him have spots on his face.  The ointment we were prescribed has taken care of it now. So that's good.  *I do actually have pictures of his rash, but that's not too exciting for my blog followers to see.
We're excited for a weekend visit from Onkteb. We got to video chat with Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda and their new kitty the other night.  Technology is amazing.  Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda actually got to video chat watch Ben pee in the potty, thanks to wireless internet! Oh come on, you know if they were here he would've expected them to come see, so we took advantage of the opportunity.

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