Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beating the system

Addie might have the community organizing gene in her soul.  She has mastered the art of navigating the system and getting what she wants out of it.  It reminds me of being in elementary school and having to write sentences with spelling words.  I distinctly remember realizing that a legitimate sentence for any word was, "What does  ____ mean?"  Ha! There, I used it in a sentence.  Eventually my teacher told me that I wasn't allowed to use that anymore.  Addie has achieved this at the ripe old age of 3.5. 
I can't stand the word stupid.  I think there are few words that cause more damage and heartache in children that word. I won't accept it being used and Addie knows that.  BUT all kids need the chance to be naughty and not follow directions or assert their autonomy. I get that, totally, believe me.  Addie's navigating comes down to this.  She'll look at me and say "Mommy." Then she'll pause and say, "Stupid" and then pause, and adds, "is a not nice word."  Every once in a while she'll whisper "stupid" randomly and then look at me, to see if I react.  Most of the time I ignore it.  Other times I'll give her a glance and she'll add, "is a naughty word." 
Isn't she a riot?! I mean, seriously, that's pretty damn smart of her.  Occasionally this leads into a long discussion of "what are some ____ words?"  The ____ could be love, happy, sad, family, sleepy, etc.  


Michelle said...

Hilarious! We have to get her and Vanessa together, it would be a riot. (or big trouble with both of their logic sets....)

Jeanna said...

Boy you are in for it when she gets older! Addie for president!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Addie! What a lovely song and birthday surprise. I love you too! Big kisses for you and Ben. I can't wait until you come here for your sleepover!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Stupid is a bad word in our house too.