Whenever we go out to a restaurant, Addie must try out their bathroom. I know, seriously very exciting. Nonetheless, she always has to go potty when we're out. I don't mind at all. Usually we're out with someone else, and when she has the option of who to take her, she typically chooses them (Muddy, Guppy, Onkteb, Daddy, etc). Muddy has been working with her on identifying the womens room from the mens room by the symbol. On Friday we were out at lunch and Muddy took her to the bathroom. Muddy asked her which room they should go into and she pointed to the ladies room. Muddy asked her why and Addie's answer was............
"because he doesn't have clothes on!" I guess she's technically right. Muddy has shown her that the girl is wearing a skirt, so obviously the dude is naked. LOL
Not much picture taking going on recently. Bad, I know. My house is a disaster area; the laundry is backed up; dishes aren't done; toys everywhere. BUT, my kids are healthy and having a good time with Mommy, so that's what counts.
Ben is all about the accessories. He loves wearing this hat that Muddy made for one of Addie's sundresses.
Hey, wait a minute! Why are there two peacefully sleeping children in MY bed? (See Addie's booboo that isn't healing yet, b/c she picks it!!>?)
The other night Brian called at 7:45pm and said he was leaving work. He asked if I could keep the kids awake for him. When he walked in around 8:10, this is how they spent time, all cuddly.
Finally, you can see the healing bruise from Ben's big accident on Friday. Imagine it being a blood blister!
* oh yeah and remember my injury from my nose pad? On Saturday, the whole nose pad piece broke off! That's how hard Addie accidentally hit me! It broke the metal clip!! I got it fixed on Monday.
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