Wednesday, October 31, 2007

"I love Halloween" "I love Halloween"

Addie really embraced trick or treating tonight. She was really into it. She declared after only 3 houses, "I love Halloween" and skipped down the sidewalk singing it. She said "trick or treat" to every house. She also said "fank you" to each house and by the end of the night had shortened "Happy Halloween" to just "Halloween."

Here's some pics from the parade at daycare as well as from tonight's festivities. The last one is called "What happens when a 2.5 year old is really quiet in the backseat of the car, after Mommy didn't realize said 2.5 year old grabbed the Hallowen make-up kit."

Walking with Daddy trick or treating

After trick or treating

With Savion, her boyfriend, at the parade

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, they are so cute!!!! ROFL at the last picture. BTW - wanted to let you know that I've been thinking alot about Addie recently. Hope you guys get some answers soon about the seizures.