This is what Addie said when she saw Ben after surgery. He has a bandage on his foot from a failed IV attempt. She immediately saw his foot and asked. How sweet is that? We told her that Ben had surgery and to hear her little voice say surgery is so priceless. She wanted to see me change him, since we explained his penis had's not a pretty picture, and she FLIPPED out when she saw it. She was screaming, "no Ben! no Ben!" After care is pretty intense, so this should be a fun 30 days of post-surgery care. Woohoo.
Here are pictures of our 7 hours at the hospital. Urology had a 1.5 delay, so he didn't go back until 3:30. Surgery was just under 1 hour.

Before we left for the hospital

In the waiting room

All gowned up

Finally, after being up for 5 hours, he fell asleep waiting for surgery

All done! Recovering afterwards. (The Bob shirt was a hit, as usual!)
Thanks for reading!
And HAPPY 10 MONTHS Benjamin!
Awwwwwwhhhhh....I LOVE the picture of him sleeping. Glad to hear that everything went well with the surgery. Get well soon Ben!!!!
What a brave little boy! (and a cutie too) Happy 10 months and glad your surgeries went well!
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