Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Father's Day is in the books. We started the morning by having breakfast with Brian's Dad and Mom at IHOP.
Then we went home and did some errands, etc.
Then we headed over to Muddy and Guppy's for dinner.
 Addie managed to wear her new dress, which somehow made her look like she's 12. It's a 6x, I swear. She's just looking so mature nowadays, but lucky for us, she's still her goofy 7-year-old self, which makes it all better.
 Onkteb is in town for a nice long while.
 Aunt Kim and Uncle Tom came down too. Speaking of coming down, look at Aunt Kim's weight! This requires an entirely separate blog post, which it will get- stay tuned!
 There was much swinging going on. Last week Addie fell off the swing, this week Ben did. The common denominator in both cases, Brian feeding into their chants of "more, more, more" pushes.
 I took  little ride on the zipline.
 Like mother, like daughter. Look at that form. I wonder what age the whole "Hmm, I shouldn't be comfortable showing my underwear to the world" comes into play?
 Ben, "just being cute," as is usual.
 Guppy and Brian grilled steaks for dinner.
 There's a bird family living in one of Muddy's birdhouses.  I swear they are so loud chirping in there. Here's the daddy bird getting food.
 And going in to feed his babies.
 Some cute swinging going on.
 Like I said, cuteness.
 After dinner, Benjamin and Graham went in and Ben showed Graham his blocks. They built this.
 Then we headed over to Bellevue for the summer concert series. Tonight's band was a 50's rockabilly band. Fun music. My kids danced the whole night.
 Scott and Keri chilled.
 Guppy and Muddy enjoyed the music and the kids' dancing too.
 Ben took a break from dancing for a breather.
 Addie danced the whole night, even if by herself.
 She was so content to just be having fun and trying to catch the audience's eye.
 Then the band handed out 5 hula hoops and told the kids they needed to share.
 A group of Addie and 6 other girls got into the middle of the hoop and jumped around. Very cute. What I love most about this, is you can see the leader Addie is. Notice her hand in this picture?
 Well that led to all of the girls lifting their hands up and bouncing around.
 She was such a hoot.
 And to make Father's Day complete, Addie dragged Brian down to dance too.
He did an admirable job of an impromptu "crack the whip."
Hope all the dads I know had a great day! I wouldn't change our day at all. Am incredibly lucky to have such a great father for my children and to have a dad who didn't have to be a dad choose me as his daughter.

1 comment:

Muddy said...

Pretty much describest the whole day! It was really a lovely one!