Keri made cupcakes that said "boy" or "girl" on them and dyed the cake either pink or blue to signify what the baby is. Addie has been convinced it was a boy; me on the other hand have thought girl the whole time, since Keri has been really sick like I was with Addie.
The happy pregnant mommy just before the big reveal.
This is cool because it's really the moment when everyone pulled the cupcake wrapper away and saw...
PINK!! They're having a little girl! To make it super cool and special, they've decided to name their daughter Quinn Adelaide! Seriously! Isn't that awesome? How special can a seven year old be to have her cousin named after her?? Growing up little Quinn will think Addie is so cool, right?!
After the reveal, we were exposed to Cornhole for the first time ever. It's horse shoes meets quoits. We had a lot of fun playing for the rest of the night until the dark (and mosquitoes) made us go inside.
Ben really thought it was fun and even asked to play again today.
There's the 18 week belly!