Monday, September 19, 2011

Long time

It's been so long since I last updated, that Addie has gone and turned 15 right before our eyes...

or so she'd like to think. Everyday now she prides herself on looking as mature as she can. You should see her flaunt it too. We joke that they'll tell her that 5th graders belong in a different part of the building.

Yesterday she had a cute outfit on and her hair done and her necklace and her watch, etc and I said to her, "Addie, I don't think you've ever looked cuter." Her response, "Well, I've been pretty cute before, so wow!"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life of a pre-kindergartener

Today when I got home from work, I checked Benjamin's school folder and found the above piece of paper. I quickly decided to use my mommy-detective skills and find out what he did today. So I say, "Hey Ben, what did you do on the computer today?" "Nothing." "No, Bud, in school what did you draw on the computer?" "I didn't use the computer. Nothing." So I say, "Well what about the thing that says today is September 8. Ben said I like to have sleepovers? Did you do that?" "Yes. I said it drew it about me and Graham." "Right, and then your teacher printed it off the computer...." "No, Mommy, it was on the Smart Board!"
So there you have it. Kids nowadays don't use computers in class. They use Smart Boards, which apparently are distinctly different than computers, according to 4.5 year olds.
I thought it was sweet that that's what he decide to write about. I believe that's his handwriting for Ben and I believe it's his drawing too.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Email from Addie's teacher

I wrote to Addie's teacher asking her to take a picture of Addie and her friend who had "pinkie promised" to wear matching outfits to school on Thursday.
Her teacher wrote back and said she'd take a picture and email me it, but also:
I'm so happy that Addie enjoys being in my class this year. She is amazing! I have already started showing off her school work to other teachers. I can't wait to pull out second grade materials to start to challenge her. I'm excited to see how she can grow this year.
Reagan wore her matching dress and diamond stud earrings too. I made them walk to the all of the classrooms on the first floor to show the other teachers. They are too cute. I've been pretending to mix them up all day! I think they get a kick out of it..."

Wasn't that nice? And here's the pic she sent me.