We had to be at the hospital at 6:30 this morning!! We were excited because that meant that Ben would be one of the first patients in the OR, and that means we'd get out relatively early.
We waited about 30 minutes or so before they called us back. He did his blood pressure, etc and we were shown into our little holding bay. We got him dressed into his gown and then they gave him "silly juice" to help calm him so that he wasn't upset when it came time to separate from us.

The Silly Juice has a nasty after taste and he wasn't loving that at all. This is him just after the silly juice, he's kind of making a gross face because of the flavor.
The "silly juice" has no effect on Ben, as you'll see... :)
Just after this video was taken, the surgeon came in to say hello and she said, "Hi Ben. How are you?" He looked at her and instead of saying a word, he raised and lowered his eyebrows at her. Oh my God, it was so hysterical. About the same time, he told me he wanted to have the blanket up over him, so I pulled it up over his body and he proceeded to cover his whole head with the blanket and started giggling under the blanket, then he would slowly pull the blanket down under hiseyes and put it back up. It was really funny. Like I said on Facebook, quite possibly the funniest thing is watching your child be loopy and see how they behave.
He went into the OR at 7:55am and at 8:22am the doctor came out to say that he was done.
She believes it was actually an angioma, because once she shaved it off, the blood vessels underneath were really deep. She cauterized those blood vessels. Right now it looks like a dark scab. It will transition to a pink dot and then gradually fade to light pink and eventually white. He may have a small white-looking freckle as a scar. Because of it being an angioma, there's a chance it could grow back. If it starts to look puffy pink, we are supposed to go back to see the plastic surgeon, because that means it's growing back.
This next picture is of him chilling on the couch. He's not allowed to walk by himself at all today, since the anesthesia stays in his system for 12 hours. He looks like he's still feeling good, right?
Now he's hanging out cuddling with Muddy for the day. He got to drink a post-anesthesia slushie, which has been a point of conversation all week long. He was in the PACU (post anesthesia care unit) for maybe 30 minutes before we were discharged. Overall total time in the hospital=less than 3 hours!
It looks so good to his face without that thing sticking out of it!
Addie was upset she couldn't come with us this morning. After the surgeon told us he was done, I started to email Addie's teacher to ask her to let her know he was ok, until I realized she hadn't gone to school yet! So I called home and talked to Muddy who put Addie on the phone and Addie was so relieved that Ben was ok. She giggled at the story about playing peek-a-boo with the blanket. Muddy said after that, Addie was like normal- where prior to that she was in a funk being so worried. :(
Special shout out of appreciation to Muddy for being at our house at 6:15 today to allow Brian, Ben and I to get to the hospital in time!