After approximately 30 hours walking around like this:

at 12:28am Addie woke me up saying, "It's gone! It's gone!" Half-awake, I said, "what is?" And she said, "my tooth!! Here it is!" as she proudly held it up to show me. She is beyond giddy with excitement. It has been
soooo loose, but she was hesitant to pull it all the way. Two nights ago I was trying to get her to take it out for fear that she'd swallow it while sleeping. But she survived the night and managed to have a whole
snowday with that tooth just hanging on. She thought it was pretty cool to suck air in and move the tooth around with her tongue.
Last night Brian told her that she couldn't lose it on Thursday, because he'll be in New York City and won't see her awake and he wants to see her when she loses her first tooth.
She went to bed with that tooth still hanging there. Next thing I know, she wakes up just after midnight announcing its loss. Then she couldn't get back to sleep. She is so excited. After about 30 minutes of restlessness, she asked me if she could wake Brian up to show him. She did, and he was equally excited for her. I explained that since it was overnight, she will have to put it under her pillow tonight. She understood.

Her picture this morning on the way to school. It's amazing how big the hole looks. It was just one little baby tooth!
On a one part funny, one part sweet empathy note: Ben was terrified of Addie's very loose tooth. He didn't like to see her touch it at all. When we were wiggling the heck out of it the other night and there was some blood, he freaked out. He rang around the house with his ears covered (apparently so he couldn't hear something, I dunno what.) and he was hiding behind all of the furniture to avoid seeing it. Yesterday morning Addie purposely walked up to him and opened her mouth with the dangling tooth exposed and he was horrified. I think he thought it hurt her, which it didn't. Even after she explained it didn't hurt, he still wasn't interested.
This morning she woke him up to show him and he was really amazed by it.
Pretty cool.
This is one of those "only once as a Mommy (per child) experiences." My baby girl lost her first tooth!!