Thursday, October 29, 2009

Random other Halloween related things

I thought I posted this before, but apparently not. Look at how amazing parkas have gotten over the years. This is from Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jeremy. Ben LOVES to wear it.
Brian used one of those patterns for Addie's pumpkin this year. Turned out pretty good, right?
I was really not sure of what I should carve this year...but tonight I was inspired.
Pretty cool to think that this time last year I carved my "Vote Obama" pumpkin.

Linvilla Orchard trip 2009

Our annual pilgrimage to Linvilla Orchards happened on Sunday. It happened to be the first weekend day in a few weeks where it was sunny and relatively warm. That equated to thousands of people. Still, a good time was had by all.

I love how Ben looks like he was strangling Addie in this- in actuality he was posing with his hands on her shoulders. Muddy thought she was hysterical by sneaking in the background.
The annual shot. Unfortunately, it was facing the sun, so Ben was not too happy to stare at the camera.

This kid is full of faces.

Ben was so impressed that "this is called a butternut squash." He repeated that to each person with us.
Addie was very excited to pose with the Indian corn with Uncle Teb.
Then we rode the hayride.
And Addie did this.
And this.

Then we did the corn maze. It took us 20 minutes to get out. Way fun.

Addie was furious when we got out, because we looked up the hill and saw this. Brian, Scott, Aunt Wendy, Richard, Graham and Ben beat us out by about 30 seconds. Brian's parents and Guppy stayed up top to watch us.
Overall, a nice fall tradition again.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Taaah Daaaah!

We had a Halloween party tonight. Here's what we wore....
That would be my 11th grade Senior Ball dress (for Brian's Senior Ball).
Look how PERFECT Ben's Oompa Loompa costume turned out. Muddy is magical.
A shot of his backside, so you can see how totally awesome it was.
Addie was a beautiful civil war era girl, all the way down to pantaloons, undercoat and undershirt.

Brian was Willy Wonka, down to the amazing purple coat which Muddy whipped up in no more than 2 hours. Like literally, at 3:30 the pattern hadn't even been cut out yet and by 5:50 we were on our way to the party!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Little updates

A Benjamin funny: on Monday night Muddy and Guppy took us out for dessert at the Charcoal Pit. It's a burger joint, with world famous milkshakes (actually listed as one of the top things to do before you die!). The Charcoal Pit shares a parking lot with my trusty Dunkin' Donuts. My weekend ritual and spoiling involves going to Dunkin' Donuts and getting my favorite coffee. Literally every weekend. So fast forward to Monday night, as we make the turn into the parking lot and Benjamin asks, "Who's going in? You or Daddy?" It was so funny- because the fact is that one of us goes in and order while the other stays in the car with Addie and Ben.

Benjamin has also begun calling Guppy "Gups." It's really cute and funny to hear. Last night he referred to Muddy as "Muds."

Here's some recent pictures of the kids. That's the one used on Ben's birthday invitation.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

7 years!

Monday October 19th marks Brian and my 7th wedding anniversary! On Friday the 23rd, it'll mark 13 years of us being together. And then on Halloween will mark the 9th anniversary of him proposing to me. That's one of the reasons I love the fall so much.
In many ways, it seems like Brian and I have been together for most of my life. In all honestly, we're almost at that point. We've been together all of both of our adulthoods, and half of my teenage years I was with him. Now we've been married longer than we were dating!
Never a regret. Never a second thought. We just knew we were supposed to be together. I know how lucky I am to have met Brian so early in life. Together we've graduated high school, graduated college, started careers, bought our first house, raised foster children, had our first child, bought our second house, sold our first house, had our second child, and gone to Disney a lot. (sorry, couldn't resist). Not too shabby a track record in my opinion.
I love Brian today more than I did on the day we got married. At the time, I thought I loved him as much as I could, but as we've matured through events and experiences together, I've learned different ways to love him beyond what I originally knew.
So, happy anniversary to my partner in life, my light, my love, my best friend. I still choose you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Random other Disney pictures

So wrapping up random Disney other pictures from the PhotoPass.

In Magic Kingdom. Guppy was back at the hotel doing homework. Kate wasn't feeling well.

Look how giddy Benjamin is after having greeted Belle the only way he knew how...

The photographer obviously thought Kate and Scott were a couple, and wanted them to get closer and closer for this shot...awkward much? This is in front of Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom

Hollywood Studios

The photographer told them to point at the ground and look surprised. Then when the pictures came, Stitch was there.

Pretty good one of the 4 of us.

Loving Tinker Bell's reaction to seeing Peter Pan.

Look at them listening so intently to her!

My new background on my laptop

Rosetta excited for a kiss from Peter/Ben

He was happy to oblige her with a kiss.

This may resurrect itself on Prom Night 2022, along with the Belle cleavage shot.
The first morning in Hollywood Studios

Again, pointing at the ground and viola! Stitch is there

Ben was excited because he was wearing a Buzz Lightyear shirt, and Buzz gave him a thumbs up when he saw it.

Uncle Jeremy and Butterfly Princess Addie in front of Cinderella's castle
A close-up of Mater eating me
It was really cool. Lightning McQueen and Mater were there and talking.
This is what happens when a 4 year old who thinks she 20 gets to pose with a car. For real. Totally 100% Addie's choice how to pose. Aye caramba do we have our work cut out for us in the teens years, right?
I have some random videos to post and then I think we're done with Disney 2009 recaps.