I am so not the type of person to whine or complain about woe is me or my life, etc. Most people would say that I'm annoyingly optimistic, but very grounded in reality. Sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh at how life goes, you know? Nothing majorly horrible, but just enough at one time to make me go, "This is hysterically chaotic."
Two weeks ago I sprained my back and was totally incapacitated. Brian had to take the day off of work to take me to the doctor. I literally couldn't move. After muscle relaxers and the best invention ever- the heating pad- my back eventually felt fine again.
The following Sunday as I was preparing for bed, I told Brian I felt sick. Once I started throwing up, I couldn't stop. It got so bad that by 5pm on Monday Brian said if I vomited again he was taking me to the ER. Out of the blue at about 830 that night, my stomach went "ahhhh, I'm all better."
The rest of the week I've been dealing with stomach issues. I didn't eat dinner any night last week, because I felt queasy even looking at food. Over the weekend I kept getting sick again and again. Ah the joys, right?
Yesterday I had a meeting with some collaborators about a new project for work, and once I got on the interstate, I heard something weird. Having never had a flat tire before, I took my hands off the steering wheel, since I had always heard that a flat makes you veer one way or the other. My car kept on straight. The sound was persistent though, like a helicopter was over my car. Eventually I started smelling something bad, so I pulled over. Low and behold, a VERY flat tire. OMG, I thought, I hope I haven't ruined my rim. Thank goodness for Mr. AAA, who arrived and changed my tire with his back on the shoulder of I-95 in the freezing cold wind, with cars zipping by at 75 mph! Not a job I would want!
Then last night as I was getting Addie and Ben ready for bed, I started itching. By bedtime I had little hives randomly on my body. By midnight I was covered and itching like a madman! It got so bad that I went to the medicine cabinet and took Children's Benadryl (bubble gum flavored- BLECH). It had the dosage for an adult on it, so I thought it couldn't hurt. After about an hour, the itching stopped and I was able to go back to bed.
Isn't that a lot of random "what's the chance this all happens in close proximity" events? I just have to laugh.
On a better note, Benjamin's GE scan came back 100% normal. The pediatrician assured me, "He's one of the few children who has ever been on that table at the hospital for a GE scan, that found NOTHING." (That's a good thing, by the way!) So it seems like he might just be a child who when there's some strain of a cold going around he catches it in his chest first. I'm ok with that.
Some fun things about Addie and Ben right now. Addie and Ben both LOVE Mamma Mia, the musical. They also both love Taylor Swift songs. Addie's current favorite is "Juliet" which is actually called "Love Story," but the song is about Juliet, who in the video is dressed in renaissance princess clothes, which therefore makes her a princess and therefore is amazing. Ben's favorite cereal right now is "Frosty the SnowFlakes" which really are Frosted Flakes. (Yes, I know the sugar content of them.) I love how he has morphed the names together.