Things I'm thankful for:
Two children, who are energetic, independent, smart, caring, sassy, fun, creative, happy, loving, and entertaining.
I'm equally thankful for having a body that allowed me to carry those two beautiful children past their due dates, and allowed me to breast feed them for as long as they wanted .
My health.
My husband, the man who is the loving doting father to those two energetic children.
My siblings, that's the plus of having lots of siblings, there's always support and interest from someone about whatever is going on.
My parents, who I'm blessed with being close to, both in proximity and relationships.
My friends, both old and new. My former co-workers who have remained friends since I left CDS are deeply cherished for many reasons, but mainly because you already know me and what I bring to the table. To my new friends, you've got no idea what's in store for you!
My online network of girlfriends, who while I haven't met most of you, you keep me entertained and up to date in each of your lives and were here for me this past year when things weren't the happiest.
Digital cameras and instant picture printing capabilities.
Having a job where I'm respected and appreciated for the knowledge I have. Also knowing that I have a job, even in these bad economic times.
Having a husband who works his butt off and knows he has a paycheck too.
Our house, while never fully "clean" is full of laughter, song and joy most every day.
For a country that realized enough is enough and took a stand.
Community Organizers/social workers/advocates/volunteers- for making the world a better place, no matter what.
Finally, I'm thankful for Disney and the fact that we are able to go again this year. We are all SO looking forward to seeing that Mouse and all his friends. We're equally excited to be able to spend this vacation with Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Amanda, Bill, LouLou, Kate, Muddy and Guppy. I'm sure we'll have sooo many memories from this week together!! Can't wait til tomorrow!!