- "Benjamin, please don't touch that."
- "Did you wipe?"
- Benjamin, please get off of that."
- "No, we don't eat our boogers."
- "I love you too"
The fun daily recap of life with two wonderful, smart and entertaining children.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Most common things you'll hear me say
Top 5 things I say on a daily basis:
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Highlights of my day...
- Seeing the newly transformed Miss Nay!! OMG, she looks great!! Fantastic! Talk about making a commitment to better ones' self! Way to go Miss Nay!
- When I called for Addie to come get her bath, her direct quote was, "Hold on Mommy. I'm watching Barack Obama."
- Ben believes he is 2. He sneaks into the 2's class whenever he can and just blends right in. He refuses to go back to the toddler class when they call him! Apparently, he was born in August and not November.
- During bath time, we sang "There is a man for President and Obama is his name-o, O-B-A-M-A, O-B-A-M-A, O-B-A-M-A and Obama is his name-o."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Some kid things....
Addie started her new "big kid class" yesterday. Each child has a cubby, with a picture of them on it, on some sort of scenery. In Ben's class, for instance, they're all on a schoolbus, so you see his face out a window. In Addie's old class, I forget what the cubby scene was. Well yesterday, the FIRST thing she said when we walked into her room was, very admantly of course, "Mommy, I don't belong on a farm!" Apparently, Kinder Care forgot to consult with the resident Diva about her choice of location!
Ben is so stinking cute nowadays. He says, "hmmm" and puts his index finger to his lip, like he's deep in thought. He's also really into, "my turn Mommy. My turn." He sings "On top of spaghetti" and when it comes time for the line about "when somebody sneezed," he says "sneezed. Aaaaa-choooo!" He also sings the ABCs with gusto and if interrupted must start over again, after chastising whoever interrupted with, "my turn!"
Today I experienced one of those dreaded Mommy moments that I knew would happen eventually. While driving home from daycare, both of them were happily munching away on the crunchy breadsticks that daycare has as a snack for the way home. They've eaten them daily for over a year now, right? Well today Ben starting choking. For real choking. I am trying to drive, while reaching back to swat his back, while trying to navigate to the shoulder, just to get to the point where there is no shoulder. I ended up pulling off the road, onto where the sidewalk begins (or ends, I guess, if I asked Shel Silverstein). I'm talking gravel, debris, rocks, etc. Ben ended up getting the piece out on his own and was fine. Meanwhile, I'm worried about backing up and re-entering the roadway, fearing I have flattened all four tires. Needless to say, the car was fine. Ben was fine. All is ok with the world. :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Videos still won't load, but here are some pictures...
This is last week when Addie decided she wanted to wear a burka. According to her, she was "Mr. Flower." In case you're trying to figure out what that is, she has her head through the cap sleeve of a wrap dress of mine.

Ben spent the time watching Addie's graduation ceremony perched atop Brian's shoulders. He managed to eat a lollipop up there too, and didn't get too much in Daddy's hair!

Showing off their post-chocolate chip cookie faces. Ben is saying "cheese" in this picture. Addie was making a Bill Cosby face.
**If you go to www.dropshots.com/ajnben you can see her graduation video. Password is what it has always been.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
So much going on
Well loyal blog readers, I'm so sorry to disappoint you with my lack of blogging. There are many times in the course of the day's events that I think "Hmm, need to put that on my blog," but it doesn't make it. We've had a busy week here. Some high/lowlights:
- I'm on an antibiotic now for this respiratory infection I've had for weeks. This means no more nursing for Benjamin. Now I know many of you are probably like "what? He was STILL nursing?" Yup. And he had no intention of giving it up anytime soon. This was forced on him, rather traumatically. The first night was HORRID. He's gotten a little bit better with each day and night. It was going to happen by the time he turned two, but this forced it a little sooner.
- Daycare classes graduated last night so Addie will move up to the 3's room on Monday. Yes, she's been 3 since May, but they were at capacity when we started at this center, so she's been held back with the 2's. There's actually a whole cohort of them who will move together on Monday. Ben will move up to the 2's in November, when he turns 2. Anyway, there was a whole program that was put on. I have video which I promise to put up on here this weekend.
- We've had a media circus going on here for days, outside of Joe Biden's house. In the event that he was going to spill to the media that he was being chosen as Barack's running mate. Well, at 3:04am my friend Barack texted me and told me Joe was the one. I don't think it was the timing Barack's group was planning on, but nevertheless 3:04am it was. Cool.
Finally, I thought of one way you know each of my children is home at our house:
Ben- if the oven light is on. He CANNOT walk into the kitchen without turning this light on. I've never had to replace an oven lightbulb before, but I'm fully expecting anyday now I'll be learning how.
Addie- if her underwear and shorts/skirt/pants are on the floor. Seriously, she's a nudist and proudly so. Actually she's not a full nudist. Kind of like people who are semi-vegetarians, Addie is a semi-nudist. Luckily her semi-nudist comfort only seems to be at our house and Muddy and Guppy's house!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Things I love...
About Benjamin:
- His persistence. Man, he does not give up. Doesn't matter if he gets hurt, hears no, what have you. If Ben wants it, he won't give up. Sometimes this results in him yelling, "Mommy, more" of the like, but I give him credit. He'll also continue to jump/chase/play with someone long after they've lost interest. He commits and that's it. :)
- His language. He's saying everything nowadays. He clearly knows all of our close relatives by name. He also knows association to relationships too. So Addie can't possibly get by with just mentioning Uncle Jeremy, Ben must chime in with Aunt Amanda. I guess he's an includer as well. Ben also gives love and affection freely. He says I love you on his own now, and gives hugs where he buries his face in my shoulder that make me squeeze him tighter.
- His love of fun. This kid is all about a good time. See the first bullet. He'll jump off of anything, if he thinks it'll be fun. He's got no fear. (DISCLAIMER: Ok, so I don't love his fearlessness. In fact, it terrifies me. Anyone who is here on a weekend with us knows most of my weekend is spent in near cardiac arrest, nearly fainting with anxiety and fear.) Ben loves to laugh. He loves to provoke the hard-can't-breathe-belly laughs on a regular basis
About Addie:
- Her sense of humor. She gets it. She understands tone and inflection and plays it up. On many occasions we'll play "where's Ben?" This means Ben covers his eyes and he magically disappears from our sight. Addie play it up so well. She'll give the exact same exasperated sounding distraughtness, "Oh my goodness, I can't find Ben anywhere. Where could he be?"
- Her hot-button. As much as Addie and Ben pick at each other, when it comes down to it, she protects him so much. The sure fire way to irritate Addie is to say that Ben belongs to someone other than her. At daycare the kids have figured this out, so they go right for the jugular. "Ben is mine, not yours," evokes a long tirade from Addie that is almost worth recording for prosperity. Addie knows to go right to the authority, to double-check that Ben indeed is hers. Miss Brandy, her teacher, tells me each day that so-and-so told Addie that Ben is theirs and all hell broke loose.
- Her default dance. Anytime music comes on that she knows, which is basically everything, Addie's default dance is "The Aloof" portion of "The Frug" which is a dance from the 60's. Addie goes right into her arms straight out in front of her and alternates them up and down. It's hysterical. Wait til she hears the Jonas Brothers, the Frug comes out full swing!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So many things...
Sorry for not doing a whole storyline here, but here are the current highlights in my life:
~ I have a fever for the first time in my adult life. Weird. I feel like crap, but must go about my life as usual, because Hey, I'm a mom and an employee.
~ Addie and Ben love to play guessing games. Just about every car ride revolves around me giving them clues, to figure something out. Addie then gives me clues and sometimes I'm really blown away with her ability to reason and put descriptors together.
~ Love the Olympics, don't love the late night events. I know they changed them for the US, so it could air live, but man alive- I'm not waiting up each night to watch things. Thank God for DVR and for the internet!
~ I attended my first M&M casestudy at work today...It stands for something... medicine moratorium or something....anyway- it revolved around a 5 year old boy who suffered a spinal cord injury while riding on an ATV. He now uses a wheelchair and has no sensation or ability to move below his chin. For real. Makes me damn sure my kids will never be on an ATV and you better believe if anyone I know has one, I'll be sharing this story with them. The poor kid is ventilator dependent now and is having a rough time in general. Not fun. As one of my social work buddies says, ATV means A Trauma Victim.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Addie, Ben and their 5 year old cousin Matthew, who we met yesterday for the first time. He's Guppy's biological son's son.
Guppy, who still manages to forget that the moonbounce walls are inflatable and nets...Yes, his bum is on the ground in this picture.

I just thought this is a cool one of me.
We enjoyed an awesome thunder, lightening and hail storm this morning, after going to breakfast with Onkteb and Aunt Gail!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Hey readers!
Ok, sorry, but there are errors uploading pictures right now....so no pics of this weekend to post right now.
We have so much to look forward to in the coming months! There will be 12, yes, 12, of us going to Disney!! Isn't that awesome? We are so psyched. Addie and Ben have no clue! :) Pretty cool to have that many people interested in spending time with my children. That's humbling.
Brian and I are going up to NYC to the US Open the last weekend of August. His parents will be staying with Addie and Ben that weekend. That'll be a nice break for us. We're looking forward to that.
Onkteb and Aunt Gail are moving to Hudson, MA next week. Their new place is HUGE, so we may be going up to visit this fall, and maybe stopping by New Hampshire on the way.
I love this time of year, as the fall approaches.
Oh yeah and starting in September, our Saturday mornings will be busy with gymnastics classes!! Addie will be by herself. Ben needs a parent with him. I can't wait!
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