Here is Addie's self-portrait. You decide for yourself ;)
My job is going so incredibly well. It's great. I know a lot. I have an immediate impact. I feel valued and appreciated. They have incredible confidence in my abilities. I'll be doing a lot of traveling locally and farther and presenting nationally at things. Cool stuff.
Addie and Ben are really good, fun children. They just bring such joy and love to my life. They have their moments of tantrums, but by no means nearly as bad as it could be (or as bad as it is for some others I know). We really are blessed.
Ben now says I Love You. It's so sweet. Addie continues to throw these zingers out, which make me stop in my tracks and look at her and laugh or smile. There are so many ways that she is just like me as a little girl. (I love that, btw.) Daycare reports how motherly she is, always taking care of people and organizing things. Totally a Cory thing to do. I guess leadership just runs in the genes. I'm of the mindset, and obviously so is Addie, that if people need direction and will take it from you, you should give it to them. She organizes circle time, so Ms. Brandy can relax. For real. "Let's all sit down boys and girls, it's time for our songs." And they do it!
Brian has been working ridiculous hours again. It's old for him too. I'm really looking forward to this weekend, for some family time. He didn't eat dinner one night this week with us. Ben had to wake up super early one morning to see Brian. Then when Brian was getting ready to leave, Ben didn't want him to go. Duh!
Onkteb spent the past week in Delaware. Yesterday Muddy, Guppy and he picked up Addie and Ben in the late morning, picked me up at work and we all had lunch together. Then they went back to play at M&G's house. The weather was superb, so they really enjoyed themselves.
Addie has found a new song that she BELTS out. I won't say any more, because I'm really hoping to capture it on video...if I can find it on Youtube, since the dvd is in Muddy's van.
Getting excited majorly for Disney, even though it's a quite a ways off. We're really looking forward to spending time with Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Amanda and Amanda's family. Maybe some others will join us too ;)
Before I forget- on the drive home today Addie announced, "Next time we see the fireworks, I want to bring my kitty chair." Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda gave her a folding kitty chair for her birthday. "Ok, that's a great idea. " "And I want Onkteb to come too." So, Onkteb can you please plan fireworks accordingly? :)
A big yay goes out to Ms Nay. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!