The fun daily recap of life with two wonderful, smart and entertaining children.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Poor Ben & the cutest moment
I ended up picking up Addie a little early from daycare. This allowed some extra time to go visit Muddy and Guppy. I've got to say, the cutest moments occurred there. I really wish I had my camera with me. Instead I'll have to rely on my visual memories. Muddy was finishing up some painting project and Addie desperately wanted to help. Muddy gave her two little things to play with while she finished up. Then they decided to paint....for about 45 minutes. There were rainbows galore, Easter bunnies, hearts, the whole nine yards. It was really very sweet to watch.
Ben greeted Guppy with a hearty "rooooaaaar" ala Guppy. It was also very cute.
Addie is very psyched to get to hang out with Onkteb and Aunt Gail tomorrow. Oh yeah and Mo (their new cat) is slightly appealing too.
I should mention Addie has three favorite new songs. 1.) Janis Joplin's Take Another Piece of My Heart 2.) You Can Call Me Al and 3.) Jamming. Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Amanda have greatly influenced her musical preferences. :)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Benjamin is cutting 4 molars right now. He's handling it like a champ, but chomps down HARD sometimes. Yeouch!
I'll upload videos and pictures tomorrow.
Addie and Ben don't realize that Onkteb and Aunt Gail are coming back to Delaware this weekend. Looking forward to that.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Only a mom can love
Just cute Benjamin, nothing unflattering here
The latest trick to show off Ben's speaking ability ;)
Today when I picked Ben up from daycare he was wearing his "reserve" pants and a pair of pink Mary Jane shoes. Apparently this morning when they went outside, Ben decided to jump into a mud puddle. Like rolling in it as a pig does! He was covered, so I was the lucky recipient of a plastic baggy full of muddy clothes and shoes.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Played in the snow
Ok, so it's a little ghetto- we didn't have any snow sleds or anything. So cookie sheets were used. LOL. And for some reason gloves in our house disappear like socks do. Addie had a matching pair of mittens, but Ben's mittens couldn't be found anywhere. I tried to use socks, but he wasn't having it for long. Most likely he was thinking, "what the hell? I don't even get a pair of freakin' mittens?" He's also wearing Addie's boots from last winter. The ones we bought him in December are 1.5 sizes too small now.
The snow ended up being really slushy, so not optimal sledding weather anyway. In fact it wasn't really optimal snow weather for anything.
Oh and just FYI, we did buy two sleds tonight at Toys R Us! So next snow we'll be ready!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Addie's one liners
Addie is also really into making names up for everyone she sees. The old standbye of "Bob and Sally" just ain't cutting it anymore. Just now while watching American Idol, she has informed me that the judges' names are "Tigo, Tibo, and Gingo." Last night she made some name up and I repeated it. Or, I thought I repeated it. She looked at me and said, "No Mommy. Watch Addie's mouth" and proceeded to very sloooowly enunciated the proper way to say the name. I learned my lesson. ;)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Addie was a pistol today. Really energetic, somewhat physically aggressive. She had numerous visits to the naughty step, which without fail prompts cries of "I need to go potty!"
Benjamin is so cute. He's really come into his own with his personality and knowing how to work a crowd ;)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Super Nanny Daddy-style
For daycare today, we had to decorate a heart for the "Our Families Are Special" wall. We were supposed to put our last name and one thing that makes us special on it, in addition to whatever decorations we wanted. I ended up making our's say "We sign together" and I included an 'I love you' sign, as well as the kids' names fingerspelled out. Anyway tonight while walking out with Addie and Ben, we stopped to look at the signs. There is a little boy in Ben's class named Timmy (gag, blech) who's heart I looked at and was like "OMG!" His heart has pictures of his family members, including his aunt and uncle- who Brian & I went to school with. The uncle and Brian were soccer teammates and co-captains. His aunt and I played lacrosse together and worked at Manhattan Bagel together. I was actually the first person she showed her tattoo to, after she and her then-boyfriend got them one night. Isn't it a small world? Last time we ran into them, they were getting married. Now they have a little daughter.
Here's a picture of Ben signing 'cheese.' It's really funny because when I say "say cheese" for a picture, he'll sign it now!
And video from when Muddy and Guppy were here on Sunday.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Long weekend
Here's some photos of our weekend in review.
Ben is all about being suffocated by the tiger and giraffe nowadays.
Here he is showing off the new dishwasher, after installation on Saturday morning. Luckily, it has a lock-out feature so the kids can't turn it on by pushing the buttons (obviously created by a mom)
Guppy and Muddy came over to make dinner on Sunday and to dance.
We ate rice krispy treats for dessert.
There was lots of cuddling and dancing going on.
We bought two new barstools at World Market (which is closing!! :( ) The new ones have backs, so now Brian can sit at the bar. The man needs a back on a chair, or else he's too uncomfortable. Addie and Ben both got little animals that make sounds. She's prouduly showing off her poodle here.
A cute one.
Notice Addie in the back with no pants on. LOL. Since potty training, she's never wearing pants!!
Just being cute.
This morning Addie came into the family room announcing, "I'm soaking wet!" We figured she had another run in with the soap and bathroom sink. I innocently asked, "from what?" She replied, "I peed!" "Where?" "On the floor! Come on, I'll show you." And low and behold she had indeed just peed all over the kitchen floor. She was indeed "soaking wet." That's the first time she's done that. Hopefully the last too!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Lifelong Shopping Pals
Purses are necessities, obviously.
Finally! Having some serious uploading issues.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Elton John
Ben's 15 month stats: 26 lbs, 32 3/4 inches tall, 49.5cm head circumference. Developmentally at least 18 months, with physical and verbal skills. It's interesting because to me he seems so much less verbal than Addie ever was. However he's ahead of the curve compared to kids his age. The ped was impressed with his signing and all of the words he can say. Part of it is that he doesn't choose to say all of the words all of the time, the way Addie does. :)
Addie is officially potty trained. No question about it. She's even been going to be in just underwear and being dry in the morning. So amazing!
For Valentine's Day Brian and I bought a new dishwasher last weekend. It gets delivered and installed tomorrow!! So exciting!
I have SO much laundry to do this weekend. It might be the first time ever that I didn't do one load of wash the whole week. Aye caramba!
Addie is willingly singing the Friendship Song now, so I'll try to get a video of it. She serenaded Muddy & Guppy at lunch today, and also sang it to Onkteb & Aunt Gail on the phone last night.
Daycare is closed on Monday. Brian is off work. UD isn't closed, but I took a sick day so I could be home with them. Not planning on anything formally, but just excited to spend the day as a family.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Friendship Day aka Valentine's Day
As I walked into Addie's classroom today, Ms. Agnes said, "Addie sing your Mom the Friendship Song." Addie broke into "Happy, happy friendship day, friendship day, friendship day. Happy happy friendship day, I love you very much." It's to the tune Mary Had a Little Lamb. She sang it perfectly. Ms. Agnes wrote on her daily report, "had such a great time singing the friendship song by herself during circle time." I tried to get a video of her singing it, but she kept yelling at me to stop mouthing the words with her. LOL
I got a huge, beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to work. The card said, "Dear Mommy/Cory, You're the best mommy/wife ever. We love you. Love, Daddy, Addie and Ben" Isn't that funny? Somehow Brian has lost his identity as anyone other than Daddy.
We had chinese for dinner. Brian still isn't home, and it's 8:47pm. The kids love Girl Scout Tagalong cookies as much as I do!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Move that bus!
Well, after a 3 hour wait and braving a wintry mix of ice and snow, we were part of the Extreme Home Makeover's big reveal in Delaware. It was freakin' cold. OMG so cold. Like seriously questioning if my toes were falling off cold.
Muddy surprised Addie by coming with us. She was soooo excited to see Muddy at daycare to pick her up! And thankfully Muddy was there- because Addie was not so happy to wait for 3 hours in arctic temperatures. It was great to have another person to hand her off to and vice versa.
Rocky Bluewinkle, the mascot for our minor league baseball team, was there. Addie was like a crazed fan seeing him. She keeps asking me, "Mommy, what is my blue friend's name?"
Top left of this picture is Ty Pennington
Addie was all about catching snow/ice pellets on her tongue
The famous "move that bus" bus in front of the house
Happily waiting
Monday, February 11, 2008
Lots going on....
If Ben wakes up in the morning without a black eye, I'll be surprised. He was walking around gently banging his head on things (crazy kid, I know!) and turned around right into the curved arm of my Williamsburg chair. It got him right in the eye socket. We'll have to see. Honestly, not far from Aunt Gail thinking he had a broken arm in the picture from a couple days ago, I know it won't be the last black eye he gets. Makes a Mommy proud! :)
How cool is this? Elton John is coming to the Bob Carpenter Center at UD for one performance on March 10th? It's got what, maybe 12,000 seats? Talk about a close- up concert!! We're trying to score tickets....
Finally, the DeMoms message board was having one of its many contests where for everyday you posted you got entered once in a random drawing for a bouquet of flowers from Flowers by Yukie and a "bustiere bag" filled with goodies from Passion Parties. It's got all kinds of things in it.... Anyway, I freaking won it! (Mom and Dad, you can erase what you just read now, although you do know how we managed to give you two grandchildren!) Isn't that a scream? Seriously, I should go play the lottery tomorrow!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Inflatable theater
Muddy and Guppy made dinner for us at our house. Here's some pictures from the show, and of playing at our house afterwards.
This was after the show was much fun. That's Ben up on Brian's shoulders with the red one. That's me in the orange shirt and jeans, holding Addie in gray, under the purple/pink striped one!
Muddy is officially tough- check out that skull tatoo on her chest and the heart stickers on her cheeks LOL
Still proud
Addie has done us proud. Still no accidents, going potty overnight, the whole shebang!
From our trip to the Extreme Makeover house yesterday. :) Unfortunately Ty is in Alabama filming another episode until tomorrow. I've learned so much about how that show is put together, etc! I might try to con Miss Nay to come up there after lunch tomorrow to meet Ty. :)
As you can see, on the roof there's an addition. It's actually a patio on the top of the house and then the 3rd floor. This house goes back 17 feet further than its neighbors. It is really a cool thing to see all of the volunteers helping/doing it all!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Things I'm lovin'
- Addie is wearing her polka-dot underwear today and is very proud to announce she's wearing "cocoa dots"
- On the ride to daycare she told me her belly hurt. I asked how it felt and she said, "It's uncomfortable."
- Ben is picking up new signs left and right. Now he's up to: more, please, mom, dad, cheese, and thank you.
- Ben is speaking up a storm too
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Proud as a peacock
This is cute, because you can see how Ben has learned to do what we do. When "Come on Eileen" comes on, watch his feet. This is what we do everytime the song is on. It just made me smile to see him do it too.
The next video is just a so-you-know-what-I'm-up-against video.
Addie has made it another entire day with no accidents! I can't believe it. I am soooo floored. I couldn't be prouder. I was slightly hesistant to have this day come, since I'm off of work on Wednesdays, I knew it would all be on me. She's a champ though. Even took a 3 hour nap without peeing!! (Yes, we're in for it tonight, since she took said nap!)
I should explain that Addie wore her Ariel underwear, and didn't really want to try the bikini underwear on. She found a more willing party. LOL
This next picture makes me laugh, because she decided to use her new underwear as accessories. She actually called them her bracelets. This picture also is very Angelina Jolie to me- doesn't it remind you of a papparazzi shot of her shopping or something?
A cute one of the three of them when Brian got home tonight.
Day two- NO accidents!
Oh yeah one more thing, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is here in Wilmington! We're going by to see the house, or I guess where the house was until yesterday. Pretty cool to have Barack and Ty Pennington here in the same week. :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Celebrate my big girl!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Barack, us and
From yesterday. Gee, wonder why my kids have colds?