Addie is into holidays now, thanks in part to a very successful Halloween. Can't believe I'm admitting this "outloud," but I just put away our Halloween decorations today. She was devastated that they were leaving. I assured her that Christmas decorations would soon take their place. To get her started, I put in the best Christmas song collection of all time. Actually it's the album that we grew up with, that doesn't actually exist anymore, besides in the format of a cd that was made off of the record (does that make any sense?). She's into listening to Christmas music a lot. Her current favorite is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Here is the Addie Nourie version of Rudolph...I have video, but it's not the greatest. I'll get the good stuff later, promise.
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it, you would even say it blows." I've tried repeatedly to explain that the line is "you would even say it glows." However, I think the Addie version is very appropriate and makes total sense, especially to a 2.5 year old. So here's my plea to start singing the logical words to Rudolph! :)
The other night when we picked her up from daycare, she started talking about how much she loves her family. I asked who is in her family and she said, "Mommy, Daddy, Ben, Addie, Muddy, Guppy, Onkteb, Aunt Gail, Aunt Kim, MomMom, PopPop, Uncle Scott, Graham." Today I asked her what everyone's name is. Here's what she said:
Mommy- Cory (plain as day, I might add!)
Daddy- Bwian
Ben- Benjamin Applesauce
Addie- Addie Flounder
Muddy- Eieen
Guppy- Guppy (so funny she can't grasp Bucky, after all those months of her only calling him that!)
Onkteb- Asthmatic (OMG, what a panic!! She loves to look at his "asthmatic" necklace!)
Aunt Gail- Aunt Gail
Aunt Kim- Aunt Kim
Mom Mom- Cindy
Pop Pop- Leaf (soooo cute!)
Uncle Scott- Uncle Scott
Cousin- Graham
Here's a picture of Brian and I at the wedding:

Here's a funny one of Ben last night:
And here's Addie doing her "pbbbt" face. Note the perfectly pursed lips.
Ben had his one year check-up today. Weighed in at 23 lbs, 2.5 oz, and measuring 31.25 inches long!! Holy cow, he's huge! Got 3 shots and Addie got one.